PhD openings in Climate Science


Società Geologica Italiana

The Department of Earth and Environmental Science of the University at Milan Bicocca announces the opening of two PhD scholarships in the framework of the MIUR Project "Dipartimenti di Eccellenza" devoted to Climate Science. Applicants should submit their qualifications, CV, and a research project proposal (max 3000 words) by June 7th, 2018 at noon C.E.S.T. in one of the two broad research lines listed below.

1)  The past as the key to the imminent future: reconstructing climate evolution from the geological record.

This research line includes, but is not limited to, studies on paleoclimate, development and use of proxy data for climate research, organic and inorganic carbon cycle, lithospheric evolution and climate, geological markers of oceanic and atmospheric dynamics.

2)  Environmental monitoring and assessment of risk scenarios related to climate change.

This research lines includes, but is not limited to, studies on water quality and availability, effects of glaciers and sea ice changes, hydrogeological instability, land use change, climatic variations, air quality, regional climate, dry spells and precipitations.

Further information can be found in the attached document and here.