36th International Geological Congress - Super Early Bird Registration and Abstract Submission


Società Geologica Italiana

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Welcome to the 36th International Geological Congress!

IGCs have come a long way since their inception in 1878 in Paris. We are, today, on the threshold of witnessing the 36th session of this prestigious global event. With less than a year's time left for the Congress, the excitement among the geoscientists is strikingly visible and infectious.

India, with the scientific support of Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka will be hosting the 36th IGC at Delhi during 2-8 March 2020. With as many as 12 Plenary Talks by outstanding geoscientists from across the globe, 44 science themes, 71 exciting field trips spread in India and neighboring countries, a far-reaching Geohost Program, a massive Geoexpo, and many other attractions, the Congress promises to be a truly memorable experience.

India is known for its glorious history, rich cultural diversity, scintillating scientific wealth, and immaculate hospitality. We cordially invite you to participate in the Congress and experience the myriad flavors of India.


36th IGC Secretariat
New Delhi

For congress registration please visit http://www.36igc.org/congress-registration
For abstract submission, click on the link http://www.36igc.org/abstract-submission