Call for Abstracts vEGU21: Sessions TS12.1 and TS12.1


Società Geologica Italiana

Dear colleagues (with apologies for cross-posting),
We would like to encourage you to submit an abstract to the following sessions at the vEGU 2021 (19-30 April 2021).
The deadline for submitting your contribution to the vEGU2021 is 13 January 2021, 13:00 CET.  
TS12.1 Imaging subsurface structure
This session aims at discussing the major advances on imaging and interpretation of subsurface structures using 3D seismic exploration, tomography, numerical, joint inversion and forward modelling techniques. For this session we welcome contributions from geologists, geophysicists and numerical modellers, directly related to interpretation of the Earth's subsurface tectonic structure using subsurface imaging techniques but also combining geophysical and geological observations with numerical modelling approaches. Contributions may include submissions that advance geophysical or geological concepts and principles of seismic interpretation; correlation with and calibration by geological and engineering data; case studies; algorithms for interpretation; image processing, inverse and forward modelling techniques. Presentations that focus on large scale structures, basin exploration and also CO2 sequestration, monitoring time lapses and extraction of mineral resources are welcome.

A detailed description of the session can be found here:

David Iacopini (U Naples Federico II), Karyna Rodrigues (Searchersesimic), Sian Evans (Imperial College), Francesco Emanuele Maesano (INGV), Debora Presti (U Messina)
TS5.1 Submarine Active Faults: From Regional Observations to Seismic Hazard Characterization
In the last few years, the development of new geophysical instrumentation has made possible the availability of offshore geological and geophysical data at various scales with unprecedented detail and resolution (deep and shallow borehole, wide-angle seismic profiles, tomography, 3D and 2D seismic reflection surveys, high-resolution bathymetry and profiling). These new data has allowed making major advances in the study of active faults in offshore areas, their recent activity and seismogenic potential.
The aim of this session is to compile studies that focus on the use of geophysical data to identify and characterize offshore active structures, their seismogenic and tsunamigenic potential and possibly related features such as submarine landslides, and to estimate the related hazards. Studies can be focused from local to regional scale.   

A detailed description of the session can be found here:
Sara Martínez-Loriente (CSIC), Laura Gómez de la Peña (GEOMAR), Francesco Emanuele Maesano (INGV), Hector Perea (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Morelia Urlaub (GEOMAR)

We look forward to e-meeting you!
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