INQUA 2023 - Call for abstracts session 'The geomorphic signature of marine and continental Quaternary deposits'


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione della Dott. Francesco Pavano (Università di Lehigh), vi segnaliamo la call for abstract relativa alla Sessione 158: "The geomorphic signature of marine and continental Quaternary deposits​", organizzata nell'ambito del congresso INQUA 2023 - Time for change.

Il congresso si svolgerà a Roma dal 14 al 20 luglio 2023, presso l'Università La Sapienza. Di seguito troverete il link per inviare il vostro abstract:

Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria

Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to Session 158: The geomorphic signature of marine and continental Quaternary deposits (Scientific theme: 2A - Geomorphic processes and sedimentary record) at the INQUA 2023 Conference (, which will be held in Rome, Italy, from the 14th to the 20th of July 2023.
Session description: Landscape evolution is the result of a combination of erosional and depositional processes, which may act at different time and spatial scales. As a result, mountains erode, and basins fill at rates that tend to mirror each other. Temporal variation in such rates may reflect external (e.g., climate, tectonics) and internal (e.g., delta dynamics, fluvial captures) perturbations. All these elements make the reconstruction of landscape evolution a challenging task. To unravel this issue, classical geomorphological approach may be integrated with morphometrical analysis of the topography and with data from the stratigraphic record. The latter includes data from both outcropping and buried marine and continental Quaternary deposits. Absolute dating of these Quaternary deposits may thus provide chronological constraints to the geomorphic processes that had driven their deposition.
This session aims to receive contributions dealing with:
- Inferring the role of climate, lithology and tectonics on the spatial-temporal distribution of geomorphic processes
- Chronological constraints to landscape evolution
- Morphostratigraphic analysis of marine and continental Quaternary deposits
- Morphometrical analysis of drainage basin – alluvial fan systems
- Defining the role and mechanisms of fluvial dynamics in producing and delivering sediments to the basins, thus empowering or shredding environmental changes signals
- Detecting surface uplift by offset Quaternary landforms and/or deposits.
More information about this session can be found at the INQUA 2023 Conference website:
The deadline for the abstract submission is scheduled on the 28st of November 2022.
The abstract submission platform can be reached at:
We look forward to receiving your abstracts
The Conveners
Ettore Valente (University of Naples Federico II, Italy,
Francesco Pavano (Lehigh University, USA,
Ciro Cerrone (University of Naples Federico II, Italy,