Call for abstracts ICFS - Session 'Modelling of Deltaic and Estuarine landscapes'


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione della Dott.ssa Valentina Marzia Rossi (CNR-IGG), vi segnaliamo la call for abstract relativa alla sessione "Modelling of Deltaic and Estuarine landscapes​" organizzata nell'ambito dell' International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology 2023, che si terrà a Riva del Garda (dal 2 al 7 Luglio 2023).

Cordiali saluti, 

La segreteria

Dear Friends and Colleagues, 
Please consider submitting an abstract to session S16  'Modelling of Deltaic and Estuarine landscapes', at the upcoming International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology in Riva del Garda (2-7 July 2023).
Models of river delta and estuarine landscapes have been essential for hypothesis testing, identifying key controls and sedimentological indicators, prediction, and management. Key couplings between disparate sedimentary processes (physical, biogeochemical, ecological, and human) continue to add detail to how these landscapes evolve. Complimentary modeling approaches yield further insight into the strengths and weaknesses of each model, encouraging prudent applications. We invite a broad spectrum of model-based research on river deltas and estuaries, including pertinent field data or experimental tests. We hope that this session can continue to advance the conceptual and quantitative understanding of coastal sedimentology and its application to broad positive societal outcomes.
The deadline for abstract submission is on the 20th of February 2023.
John B. Shaw and Valentina M. Rossi
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