37th IGC 2024 Congress - Call for abstract Session 'From microscale to macroscale: multidimensional exploration in Structural geology and tectonics'


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione del Prof. Rodolfo Carosi (Università di Torino), vi segnaliamo la sessione 8: "From microscale to macroscale: multidimensional exploration in Structural geology and tectonics" (Structural Geology), organizzata nell'ambito del 37th International Geological Congress 2024 che si terrà dal 25-31 Agosto 2024 a Busan (Corea del Sud).

Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria

Dear Colleagues,

we would like to announce the Session 8: "From microscale to macroscale: multidimensional exploration in Structural geology and tectonics" under the Theme T9 (Structural Geology) at the 37th IGC2024 Congress https://www.igc2024korea.org/ August 25-31, 2024 Busan, Republic of Korea.

The abstract deadline is February 16, 2024.

We warmly invite you to attend the 37th International Geological Congress 2024 and submit your contributes to the Theme T9 and Session 8.
Theme T9: Structural Geology

Session 8: From microscale to macroscale: multidimensional exploration in Structural geology and tectonics
Deformation and strain localization in the lithosphere play a crucial role in several processes, spanning from fluid-flow and melt migration, ore deposits formation, earthquake cycles up to large-scale Tectonics and plate kinematics. Primary physical and thermal perturbations usually control the strain localization where rock anisotropies, lattice- and shape-preferred orientations (SPO and LPO) of syn-tectonically re-crystallized minerals may drive the evolution of tectono-metamorphic processes in different tectonics regimes. Understanding intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and their feed-back interactions, leading to deformation and strain localization is a main task in Structural geology and Tectonics. Integrating different scales of structural investigations, spanning from field mapping down to crystallographic preferred orientation analysis, coupled with petrological and petrochronological techniques and numerical modelling are crucial to unravel these factors and their interplay.
Contributions dealing with structural analyses spanning from micro-scale to mega-scale, field geological mapping and global Tectonics are welcome.
Key note speaker: Prof. Michele Zucali, University of Milan, Italy

Title: Multiscale modern structural geology in metamorphic basements: exploring processes from the map to the atomic scale
Please give a look to the GeoHost Support Program of the IGC2024 designed to enable deserving geoscientists and geoscience students to attend the Congress whose abstracts have been accepted for presentation (https://www.igc2024korea.org/content/14400).

See you in Busan!

Rodolfo Carosi, University of Torino, Italy
Manish A. Mamtani, IIT Kharagpur, India
Chiara Montomoli, University of Torino, Italy
Salvatore Iaccarino, University of Torino, Italy


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