EGU 2024 - Call for abstracts session: TS1.2-Deformation, Fluid Flow and Diagenetic Processes involving Granular Media


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,

su indicazione della Dott.ssa Barbara Marchesini (Università di Roma), vi segnaliamo la Call for Abstracts della sessione "TS1.2-Deformation, Fluid Flow and Diagenetic Processes involving Granular Media​​​​​" organizzata nell'ambito dell'EGU General Assembly 2024 (Austria & Online | 14–19 Aprile 2024).

Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria

Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our EGU 2024 session that aims to investigate deformation mechanisms, petrophysical properties and fluid-rock interactions in granular rocks.

Conveners: Mattia Pizzati, Barbara Marchesini, Roger Soliva, Alexis Cartwright-Taylor, Leonardo del Sole

Invited Speaker: Atle Rotevatn (University of Bergen, Norway) 
At this link you find the description of the session:

The abstract deadline is 10 January 2024, 13:00 CET.
We hope to see you numerous in Vienna.
Best regards,
Mattia, Barbara, Roger, Alexis, Leonardo

EGU2024- Deformation, Fluid Flow and Diagenetic Processes involving Granular media (TS1.2)
Sedimentary rocks and sediments, having different degrees of cementation, cover the vast majority of the Earth's surface with thickness ranging from a few meters to several kilometers deposited in different tectonic-geodynamic settings and depositional environments. The joint study of deformation mechanisms, fluid flow patterns and diagenetic processes affecting granular media has crucial importance for both scientific research and the global economy. Granular rocks represent strategic targets and prospects for resource supply (groundwater, geothermal energy, hydrocarbons, ore deposits), underground gas storage (anthropogenic CO2, H2), as well as risk evaluation (groundwater contaminant transport). The meso- and micro-structural analysis of brittle deformation structures, the quantification of petrophysical properties, the characterization of fluid flow patterns, and the reconstruction of fluid-rock interactions occurring in granular rocks during diagenesis facilitate the evaluation of potential reservoir quality and its efficient exploitation. Nowadays, such multidisciplinary approach represents the basis for studies related to climate change mitigation through safe greenhouse gas sequestration from the atmosphere to the geosphere. We encourage you to contribute to this session by submitting original ongoing research lines, including field, laboratory, and computational modeling-based studies, dealing with the following topics: - Analysis of brittle deformation (from outcrop to the micro-scale) affecting high to low porosity sedimentary sequences deformed in various tectonic settings, under different kinematics and depths of deformation.
- Relationships between brittle deformation structures (faults, deformation bands, joints, veins and stylolites) and selective diagenetic processes (cementation, dissolution and mineral replacement). - Definition and quantification of fluid flow patterns and pathways both via numerical modeling as well as through direct measurements of petrophysical-hydraulic properties.
- Fluid-rock interactions associated with diagenetic processes active at different depths and time from rock deposition to final exposure.
Contributions from early career scientists (ECS) are kindly solicited.
Invited speaker:
Atle Rotevatn (University of Bergen, Norway)  Pavano, Duna Roda-Boluda, Katarina Gobo