Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI 2019 - Call for abstract Sessione P25 'Active tectonics and seismotectonics between the Northern Apennines and the Southern Alps'


Società Geologica Italiana

Cari amici e colleghi,
vorremmo segnalarvi la sessione P25 "Active tectonics and seismotectonics between the Northern Apennines and the Southern Alps" del prossimo Congresso SIMP-SGI SOGEI (Parma, 14-19 settembre 2019).
Riccardo Caputo; Emanuela Falcucci, M. Eliana Poli

P25 "Active tectonics and seismotectonics between the Northern Apennines and the Southern Alps"
Po Plain and Veneto-Friuli plain are densely populated region of the Northern Italy, hosting significant productive activities and important historical centers. These Quaternary alluvial plains are bordered toward the North and the South by means of two active thrust belts with opposite polarity: Northern Apennines and Southern Alps, respectively.  Seismicity is scattered and moderate in the western sector of the N-Apennines (Monferrato Arc), but becomes medium to high moving to the East, as the recent earthquakes of Emilia and Ferrara-Romagna Arcs testify. Similarly, seismicity is sparse in the central-western Southern Alps, but increases in Veneto and Friuli regions that represent the areas with the highest seismic hazard in northeast Italy. Because of the low tectonic rates, the fronts of the two chains are largely buried. Evidence for their activity includes historical and instrumental earthquakes, drainage anomalies controlled by growing buried anticlines, gentle scarps connecting uplifted palaeolandscapes of Quaternary age. This session aims to present new researches on the active tectonics and seismotectonics of the broader region, seeking to integrate geomorphic, structural, geodetic, geophysical, seismological and palaeoseismological data and provide a comprehensive understanding of the earthquake cycle in low-strain crustal sectors. Innovative approaches are particularly encouraged.

Se avete intenzione di presentare un Vostro contributo, vi ricordiamo che il termine ultimo per la presentazione è il 20 maggio 2019.

Per maggiori informazioni potete comunque consultare il sito web del Congresso

Non esitate a contattarci.

Sperando di vedervi numerosi a Parma, vi salutiamo cordialmente.
Riccardo, Emanuela, Eliana

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