Meeting of representative of the national geoscientific societies at EGU - Replica del Presidente EGU inviata al presidente SGI


Società Geologica Italiana

Dear Sandro,

Thank you for your email, I am cc-ing the EGU Executive Secretary Philippe Courtial. The proposal is interesting. However I think it's a bit too late to plan the meeting for Matera 2019. We need to discuss the idea with the Executives and the EGU Council, therefore we need to act very early.

ESOF2020 may be a good idea, as many from EGU will convene there anyway.

I wish you all the best for the success of your proposal for Matera 2019. Please keep EGU posted on the outcome. In any case I think we could support the initiative in 2020.

I hope this helps. Thanks a lot for your proactive contribution to the roundtable in Vienna!



Lettera EGU-SGI