Dear Colleagues,
we would like to encourage your abstract submission to our session during the conference SIMP-SGI-SOGEI "P14. Bio-Geo materials for environmental remediation: novel approaches, technologies and case studies" that will be held in Parma (Italy) on 16-19 September 2019
Information about abstract submission can be found at
P14. Bio-Geo materials for environmental remediation: novel approaches, technologies and case studies
Conveners: Giacomo Ferretti (UNIFE), Lucia Morrone (CNR-IBIMET), Domenico Prisa (CREA)
The drawback of the strong and rapid development of industrial and agronomic activities is the release of a large number of pollutants in soil and aquatic ecosystems. Indeed soil, surface and ground water reserves are seriously compromised in districts hosting mining activities, petrochemical and oil industries and intensive farms and breeding. The development and evaluation of novel eco-friendly and cost-effective "green" methodologies employing bio-geo materials (i.e. zeolites, fly ash, microorganisms and plants) for the restoration of soil and water quality as well as in agriculture, requires a multidisciplinary approach encompassing geoscience, agronomy and engineering. The necessary assessment encloses not only the performance of these bio-geo materials to treat contaminants but also their potential fallout and negative interferences in the surrounding environment. Contributions examining the use of novel approaches for environmental remediation using bio-geo materials are welcome. Young researchers are especially encouraged to submit their contributions.
Contributions may be focused on:
• Natural and synthetic sorbents: characterization; adsorption of pollutants; influence on mobility and leaching of target elements in soil and water;
• Bioremediation through plants and/or microorganisms;
• Valorization and recycling of waste;
• Examples of in situ, off-site and laboratory experiments;
• Effects of bio-geo materials on soil nutrient cycling and Greenhous Gasses (GHG) emissions;
· Use in agriculture of bio-geo materials;
• Ecotoxicity of bio-geo materials.
We encourage the submission of contributions to this session, especially by early-career scientist, PhD or master students.
We look forward to meet you in Parma.
Best Regards,
Giacomo Ferretti, Domenico Prisa, Lucia Morrone
Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI 2019 - Call for abstract Sessione P14 'Bio-Geo materials for environmental remediation: novel approaches, technologies and case studies'