Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the following session at the joint meeting of the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology, Italian Geological Society and Italian Society of Geochemistry (Parma, 16-19 September 2019):
P28 – Analogue and numerical modelling of geological processes: linking observation, interpretation and prediction (see description below)
Registration and abstract submission:
Deadline for abstract submission - 20 May 2019
Invited speakers: Joël Ruch. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva
If you have any questions concerning our session, do not hesitate to contact us.
Hope to see you in Parma
Marco, Giacomo, Francesca, Antonello, Pietro
Conveners: Marco Bonini (CNR-IGG), Giacomo Corti (CNR-IGG), Francesca Funiciello (UniRoma3), Antonello provenzale (CNR-IGG), Pietro Sternai (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Session description: Geological modelling has become a strategic tool to analyse complex geological processes. This is mostly because in the last a few years analogue and numerical approaches have greatly advanced their potential, the former because of improved deformation and monitoring techniques, and the latter because of enhanced computational capabilities. These modeling techniques also give the unique opportunity to investigate relationships between processes acting at the Earth surface or at depth and at different temporal and spatial scales.
This session aims at bringing together experimental and numerical studies investigating different geological processes and their interactions, encompassing a wide spectrum of temporal and spatial scales. We welcome tectonic models at crustal or lithospheric scales, or involving long-term sub-lithospheric mantle processes, as well as models investigating surface processes or other complex geological systems. We expect contributions illustrating new laboratory and numerical modelling strategies, and we welcome studies comparing models with field and geophysical data, and that link direct observations with interpretations and predictions. Finally, we also encourage contributions dealing with planetary geology and that address processes shaping extra-terrestrial bodies.
Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI 2019 - Call for abstract Sessione P28 'Analogue and numerical modelling of geological processes: linking observation, interpretation and prediction'