Cari colleghi,
volevo ricordarvi che il prossimo 30 novembre scade il termine per la presentazione dei lavori alla prossima Conferenza Rittmann, che si terra' a Catania il 12-14 febbraio 2020 (
In particolare desidero evidenziare la sessione dedicata al multi-hazard nelle aree vulcaniche:
S14 - From multi-hazards assessment to risk reduction in volcanic areas: how scientists and decision makers cooperate for future crisis management
Volcanic hazard assessment is a multidisciplinary matter, particularly in Italy, where densely urbanised areas are exposed to different destructive phenomena. Lava flows destroying lifelines as well as cultivated and inhabited zones, volcano-tectonic earthquakes damaging buildings and infrastructures, ash fallout causing problems for human health and air traffic are the most frequent hazards. However, also pyroclastic flows and landslides potentially triggering tsunamis, represent possible, but less frequent, devastating hazards. Over the last decades, many studies have been aimed at specific hazards separately, but no integrated assessment has been produced.
History has shown that a successful volcanic crisis management strongly correlates with proactive risk reduction policies that derive only from knowledge of hazards. Hence, cooperation between scientists and Civil Protection is a continuous process, which needs to be based on solid and shared communication protocols, from hazard assessment to emergency management. This session is intended to promote ideas, methods and applications spanning from multi-hazard to risk assessment in volcanic areas, also considering case studies worldwide. We also welcome contributions presenting innovative strategies for integrating them and improve communication processes to increase awareness and preparedness on volcanic risk.
Vi prego di segnalare l'evento anche ad altri colleghi esterni potenzialmente interessati.
Un cordiale saluto e a presto!
Raffaele Azzaro, a nome dei proponenti la sessione
Conferenza A. Rittmann 2020 - Call for abstracts Sessione S14 - From multi-hazards assessment to risk reduction in volcanic areas: how scientists and decision makers cooperate for future crisis management