Congresso congiunto SIMP-SGI-AIV-So.Ge.I. 2017 - Call for abstract sessione P15


Società Geologica Italiana

Cari colleghi,

vi invitiamo a sottomettere un riassunto alla sessione P15 del Congresso congiunto della SIMP-SGI-AVI dal titolo "Geosciences: a tool in a changing world", che si terrà a Pisa dal 4 al 6 settembre 2017. :

P15: "Modern and fossil oceanic lithosphere revisited: from field to laboratory"

L. Pandolfi (UNIPI), E. Saccani (UNIFE), E. Piluso (UNICAL)

The oceanic lithosphere represents a fundamental tool of the reconstruction of the geodynamics in many tectonic settings worldwide. The fossil oceanic lithosphere, i.e. the ophiolites, can be found in different tectonic positions within orogenic belts. The ophiolites also show a very contrasting geochemical evolution and, consequently, their mechanisms of emplacement are very different, and can be either related to subduction and subsequent continent-continent collision or to obduction. A comparison with the modern examples of oceanic lithosphere can improve the interpretation of the ophiolites. This session is addressed to collect recent multidisciplinary advances on the ophiolites and to discuss modern examples that might be the birthplace of the fossil oceanic lithosphere.

Le sottomissioni degli abstract scadono il 15 maggio 2017

Indicazioni su come sottomettere gli abstract sono visibili alla pagina web

Arrivederci a Pisa e grazie per l'attenzione.

Luca Pandolfi, Emilio Saccani and Eugenio Piluso
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