Dottorato Toscano in Scienze della Terra - Advanced course in Vertebrate Paleontology:Applicative methods and analytic tools


Società Geologica Italiana

Nell'ambito dell'offerta formativa per il Dottorato Toscano in Scienze della Terra (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Pisa e Siena), il Laboratorio di Paleontologia dei Vertebrati (Paleo[Fab]Lab) del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell'Università di Firenze propone il "corso avanzato in Paleontologia dei vertebrati":

Advanced course in Vertebrate Paleontology:Applicative methods and analytic tools

il corso si svolgerà nei giorni 8 - 12 Febbraio 2021 (web-based course, using webex web-teaching facilities)

About the course:
The course (6 CFU) is organized in five lesson-days, with theoretical and practical contents and individual work by the students. The course provides an overview on the discipline of Vertebrate Paleontology, in particular on the investigation of Neogene and Quaternary mammals by means of different new approaches.
Fossil mammals provide insightful data on evolutionary patterns, adaptations and environmental changes as well as on the origin of extant taxa. Classical morphological and morphometric comparisons have been extensively applied in several studies on fossil species. In recent times, researchers are investigating morphological changes and evolution by means of additional new methodologies and analytical tools.
Students will be introduced to a general framework on classical and advanced methods to investigate evolution and morphological changes in mammals and to apply comprehensive analyses in the study of fossil vertebrates. Case-studies on the use of different methods to analyze evolutionary patterns in Eurasian and African fossil mammals will be presented.

About the teachers:
Dr. Luca Pandolfi is a Research Fellow at the University of Florence, responsible of the project Ecomorphology of fossil and extant Hippopotamids and Rhinocerotids.
Dr. Saverio Bartolini Lucenti is a Research Fellow at the University of Florence, responsible of the project PalVirt (Virtual paleontology, a non-invasive approach and for the use, diffusion and sharing of the paleontological heritage).

The number of participants is limited to 8. The course is primarily addressed to doctoral and master students of Tuscan universities. Doctoral and master students from other universities are also welcomed, and will be admitted following the order in which applications are received (until the maximum number has been reached).

- - - registration deadline: January 25, 2021 - - -

For applications, queries and info please contact Prof. Lorenzo Rook:
