The SQS – INQUA GELSTRAT Workshop will be held in September 1, 2 and 3 in Palermo (Sicily).
This meeting addresses the core mission of both INQUA-SACCOM and SQS: to promote Quaternary research and involve international multidisciplinary expertise. The topic of this field workshop is the Neogene–Quaternary transition, with a focus on the spectacular Monte San Nicola outcrop, Gela, Sicily, which serves as the GSSP for the Gelasian Stage, Lower Pleistocene Subseries, Pleistocene Series, and Quaternary System. Participation of early career researchers is welcomed and encouraged. The field workshop aims to assemble a research team and inaugurate a project ("Gelstrat") for revisiting the Gelasian stratotype using a high-resolution multi-proxy
approach, in order to reconstruct in great detail, the climatic history across one of the most critical intervals of Earth history.
Antonio Caruso, Martin J. Head, Adele Bertini, Maria Marino.
Scientific Committee:
Antonio Caruso, Adele Bertini, Sergio Bonomo, Isabel Cacho, Luca Capraro, Patrizia Ferretti, Martin J. Head, Timothy Herbert, Fabrizio Lirer, Patrizia Maiorano, Maria Marino, Lewis Owen, and Giovanna Scopelliti.
Local Host (logistics, and field excursion coordinator):
Antonio Caruso email:
Claudia Cosentino email:
Athina Tzevahirtzian email:
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM)
via Archirafi 20–22, 90123 Palermo
WORKSHOP – 1 and 2 September, 2021
Palazzo STERI, Sala delle Capriate
Piazza Marina, 61 - 90133 Palermo
FIELD TRIP - 3 September, 2021
- Monte San Nicola, Gela
- Capo Rossello, Realmonte
Second circular
INQUA-SQS International Field Workshop 2021 - Palermo 1-3 September