Cari Associati SGI,
Cari Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione della Dott.ssa Ilaria Mazzini (CNR-IGAG), vi inoltriamo il seguente messaggio relativo al Congresso "Connects" organizzato dalla Geological Society of America, dal 22 al 25 settembre 2024 ad Anaheim (California).
Gli Associati SGI avranno diritto alla stessa quota dei soci GSA.
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
GSA Connects 2024 will be held from September 22nd to 25th in Anaheim, California. This event serves as an unparalleled opportunity for researchers, educators, and industry professionals to engage with the global geoscience community. The conference will provide a platform for attendees to showcase their latest research findings, participate in dynamic discussions, and foster meaningful collaborations.
Abstract submissions are currently open until June 18th, welcoming contributions in various formats, including oral presentations, poster sessions, and interactive discussions.
We believe that your society's participation would greatly enrich the conference and contribute to its success. We would be very grateful if you could share some information with your members (please see attached).
Members of GSA associated societies can register at the same price as GSA members!
For further details and to join the conversation, please visit the GSA Connects 2024 website.
We look forward to the possibility of your society's involvement in GSA Connects 2024 and to welcoming your members to Anaheim.
Warm regards, thank you very much for helping us spread the word, and see you in Anaheim!
Congresso GSA 'Connects'