EGU 2025 – Call for Abstracts Sessions SSS9.5, NH2.6, D6.2, SSP4.2


Società Geologica Italiana

Carissimi Associati SGI,
Carissimi Soci delle Società Associate,

siamo lieti di annunciare le seguenti due sessioni del prossimo congresso EGU 2025, in programma a Vienna dal 27 aprile al 2 maggio 2025 (

Session SSS9.5 - Agrogeophysics: understanding soil-plant-water interactions and supporting agricultural management with geophysical methods
Convener: Alejandro Romero-Ruiz | Co-conveners: Guillaume Blanchy, Agnese Innocenti, Lena Lärm

Session NH2.6 - Geochemical and petrological monitoring in support of volcanic crises management: strengths, weaknesses and implications
Convener: Ilenia Arienzo | Co-conveners: Rosa Anna Corsaro, M. Aulinas, Andrea Luca Rizzo, Stefano Ciolli

Session D6.2 - Earth continental crust from a combined geophysical, geochemical, petrological and microbiological perspective
Convener: Marco Venier | Co-conveners: Kim Lemke, Alexia Secrétan, Junjian Li, Luca Ziberna

Session SSP4.2 - Understanding deep-time and shallow-time palaeoecological records and their value for conservation biology
Convener: Lukas Schweigl | Co-conveners: Isabella Leonhard, Shirin N. Rahman, Daniele Scarponi, Adam Tomašových

Di seguito troverete maggiori informazioni in lingua inglese.

Cordiali saluti,

La Segreteria

Session SSS9.5 - Agrogeophysics: understanding soil-plant-water interactions and supporting agricultural management with geophysical methods
Convener: Alejandro Romero-Ruiz | Co-conveners: Guillaume Blanchy, Agnese Innocenti, Lena Lärm

Greetings everyone, 
We are pleased to invite you to present your work at the sessione SSS9.5  Agrogeophysics: understanding soil-plant-water interactions and supporting agricultural management with geophysical methods at the upcoming EGU General Assembly 2025 that will be held in Vienna, Austria and online.
Session Conveners: 
Alejandro Romero-Ruiz (Agroscope-UNINE), Guillaume Blanchy (ULiege), Agnese Innocenti (UNIFI), Lena Larm (FZ-Julich)
Session description:
Agrogeophysics harnesses geophysical methods such as ground-penetrating radar, electrical imaging, seismic,... from hand-held over drone to satellite-borne, to characterize patterns or processes in the soil-plant continuum of interest for agronomic management. These methods help develop sustainable agricultural practices by providing minimally-invasive, spatially consistent, multi-scale, and temporally-resolved information of processes in agro- ecosystems that is inaccessible by traditional monitoring techniques. The aim of this session is to feature applications of geophysical methods in agricultural research and/or show methodologies to overcome their inherent limitations and challenges. We welcome contributions monitoring soil or plant properties and states revealing information relevant for agricultural management; studies developing and using proximal or remote sensing techniques for mapping or monitoring soil-water-plant interactions; work focused on bridging the scale gap between these multiple techniques; or work investigating pedophysical relationships to better understand laboratory-scale links between sensed properties and soil variables of interest. Submissions profiting on data fusion, utilizing innovative modeling tools for interpretation, and demonstrating novel acquisition or processing techniques are encouraged.
The abstract submission deadline is 15 January 2025, 13:00 CET.
Looking forward your contributions
Agnese Innocenti
Session NH2.6 - Geochemical and petrological monitoring in support of volcanic crises management: strengths, weaknesses and implications
Convener: Ilenia Arienzo | Co-conveners: Rosa Anna Corsaro, M. Aulinas, Andrea Luca Rizzo, Stefano Ciolli

Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the forthcoming EGU – General Assembly 2025 in Vienna (27th April – 2nd May 2025), which will host the session NH2.6/GMPV9.7 on "Geochemical and petrological monitoring in support of volcanic crises management: strengths, weaknesses and implications".
Our intent is to enhance the dialogue among scientists, who are the 'providers' of geochemical, petrological and other multidisciplinary data/results, and Decision-Makers, who are the primary 'users' of this information during a volcanic crisis. The aim is to leverage the experience gained from past or ongoing eruptions and unrest crises to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of geochemical and petrological data.
For more details on our session, and to submit an abstract, please click:
The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, 15 January 2025, 13:00 CET.
Please feel free to forward this message to anybody who would be interested in the Session.
We thank you in advance for sharing your scientific contribution, as scientists or emergency managers, in our session and hope to see you in person in Vienna.
Ilenia Arienzo, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Vesuvius Observatory, Italy
Rosa Anna Corsaro, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Etnean Observatory, Italy
Meritxell Aulinas, Department of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Applied Geology, University of Barcelona, Spain
Andrea Luca Rizzo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (DISAT), University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Stefano Ciolli, Department of Civil Protection, Italy
Invited Speaker: Vittorio Zanon, IVAR - Institute for Research in Volcanology and Risk Assessment, University of Azores

Session D6.2 - Earth continental crust from a combined geophysical, geochemical, petrological and microbiological perspective
Convener: Marco Venier | Co-conveners: Kim Lemke, Alexia Secrétan, Junjian Li, Luca Ziberna

Dear colleagues,

We would like to remind you that there is still time until 15 January 13:00 CET if you would like to submit an abstract to the session "Earth's continental crust from a combined geophysical, geochemical, petrological and microbiological perspective" at the upcoming EGU.

We are pleased to announce that Britta Wawerzinek (GFZ Potsdam) will open the session with an invited talk entitled "Seismic imaging and petrophysical classification of the Balmuccia peridotite and surrounding upper crust".

The session aims to explore the complex processes that have shaped the Earth's crust from the Archean to the present.

The Earth's crust is influenced by tectonic, igneous and metamorphic processes as well as interactions with the biosphere. Recent studies on exposed deep crust, including ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) terrains and the crust–mantle transition, as well as drilling initiatives (such as ICDP-DIVE), are providing new insights into crustal formation, differentiation, and stabilisation. Our session welcomes contributions that advance our understanding of these processes through geological, geophysical, geochemical, microbiological datasets or geodynamic modelling.

We are particularly interested in works that address:
crustal genesis and metamorphic processes,
insights into the crust-mantle transition,
impact of microbial life on crustal chemistry and biogeochemical cycles,
redox conditions, volatile elements and georesources (critical minerals, natural hydrogen).
Join us in this multidisciplinary exploration of Earth's crustal evolution!
We encourage submissions from all related fields to foster a broad and impactful discussion, as this session provides a platform to share innovative research and network with leading experts.

Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2025, 13:00 CET
Session Code: GD6.2
Conference Dates: 27 April - 2 May 2025, Vienna, Austria & Online

Please refer to the session submission information on the EGU website for further details or contact us if you have any questions.

We look forward to your contributions and hope to see you at EGU 2025!

Best regards,
Kim Lemke, Junjian Li, Alexia Secrétan, Marco Venier, Luca Ziberna

Session SSP4.2 - Understanding deep-time and shallow-time palaeoecological records and their value for conservation biology
Convener: Lukas Schweigl | Co-conveners: Isabella Leonhard, Shirin N. Rahman, Daniele Scarponi, Adam Tomašových

Vi inviamo una richiesta di contributi per la sessione SSP4.3 - EGU 2025 "Understanding deep-time and shallow-time palaeoecological records and their value for conservation biology" che si terrà a Vienna nell'ambito dell'EGU General Assembly 2025 Austria & Online dal 27 aprile al 2 maggio 2025. Il convegno si terrà in modalità mista (presenza ed online).
Scadenza invio contributi: 15 gennaio 2025

Session description:
Marine and terrestrial ecosystems have been affected by anthropogenic stressors (e.g., biological invasions, eutrophication, land use change, overexploitation) for centuries to millennia. By covering only recent decades, scientific surveys and monitoring are insufficient to fully assess human impacts and the long-term ecosystem status. Predicting future changes and effectively restoring degraded communities without knowing past species and ecosystem responses and historical baselines is thus challenging. The fossil record and other palaeoecological archives (e.g., biogeochemical or isotopic signatures of sediment cores and/or archaeological middens) provide long-term data that document past disturbances and their effects on organisms and ecosystem structure (e.g., body size changes, taxonomic and functional composition, diversity patterns). In addition, deep-time palaeoecological records provide analogue scenarios for present-day environmental perturbations, capturing extirpations and recovery dynamics of ecosystems at evolutionary timescales. Therefore, this session will explore how interdisciplinary approaches to palaeoecological records can enhance the interpretation of the temporal dynamics of past (deep-time and Quaternary) ecosystems and thus provide context and guidance for the near-future dynamics of modern ecosystems. We will address major challenges of interpreting palaeoecological records. For example, a proper understanding of their spatial and temporal resolution is needed to reconstruct long-term ecosystem dynamics and historical baselines. It is also crucial to know how the ecologic information preserved in the fossil record is affected by taphonomic biases. Despite these challenges palaeoecological records are highly useful for conservation efforts. This will be demonstrated by case studies using a wide range of tools and analytical approaches from palaeontology, palaeoecology, stratigraphy, historical ecology, and archaeology.

Invited speaker: Prof. Mattew Kosnik - Macquarie University Australia 


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