Short course on Economic Geology of Natural Resources


Società Geologica Italiana

Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell'Ambiente e delle Risorse
Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base
Università degli Studsi di Napoli Federico II


Napoli, 7-8 May 2018

Lecturer: Roberto Gambini - Geo-resources expert

The 12 h Short Course will be held in the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell'Ambiente e delle Risorse (DiSTAR), Università di Napoli Federico II, Sede di Monte Sant'Angelo, Via Cintia 26, Napoli.

The lectures will be given in Room GEO 01 with the following timetable:

1) 7 May 10-13
2) 7 May 14-17
3) 8 May 10-13
4) 8 May 14-17

No registration is required (there are plenty of seats in Room GEO 01).

Those interested to attend the course can go directly to Room GEO 01 on May 7 at 10.00.

A certificate of attendance will be provided to all participants at the end of the course.

Please note that our new Department is located in Building L of the University Campus of Monte Sant'Angelo (Fuorigrotta area, W Naples).

Short Course on Economic Geology of Natural Resources
The course is primarily designed to provide to the attendees an understanding of the economic aspects of the exploitation of natural resources.
The course will focus mainly on the oil & gas business and on the overall energy sector providing an in depth description from the inside point of view. Ethics and role of the geologist in the society/industry will be also debated.

Topics that will be treated:
  • Energy – Oil & Gas
  • Fundamentals
  • Concept of the reserves and resources
  • Evaluation of reserves and resources according to SEC and PRMS
  • Project evaluation
  • Different type of license agreement (US lease system, royalties, production sharing, buy back etc.)
  • Governance of the JV (the AIPN joint operating agreement)
  • Portfolio analysis and management
  • Definition of an E&P strategy
  • Cases history
  • Energy – Geothermal
  • Fundamentals
  • Concept of resources and their evaluation
  • Geothermal energy in the world
  • Energy World – an overview
  • Theory of the pick oil and its criticisms
  • Oil Vs Gas business
  • The shale gas revolution
  • The renewable revolution
  • Is the end of the oil era started? An answer for inside
  • Role and ethics of the geologist in the industry