Bolzano (Italy), 16 – 19 July 2019
Eurac Research
Organized by:
University of Pavia – Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences EURAC Research – Institute for Earth Observation, Bolzano
University of Innsbruck – Department of Geology
Autonomous Province of Bolzano - Office for Geology and Building Materials Testing
CNR - Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection Research
Organizing committee:
Roberto Seppi, Francesco Zucca and Aldo Bertone (University of Pavia)
Mattia Callegari, Giovanni Cuozzo and Claudia Notarnicola (EURAC Research)
Karl Krainer (University of Innsbruck)
Volkmar Mair (Autonomous Province of Bolzano)
With the support of:
• Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGEO)
• Italian Glaciological Committee (CGI)
Permafrost is a key element of the terrestrial cryosphere that is strongly affected by a warming climate. With widespread permafrost degradation likely to occur in the next future, remote sensing is seeking to reveal the processes and causal connections governing this development, from the monitoring of the permafrost state to the mapping of the impacts and potential natural hazards. Permafrost landforms and surface features, such as rock glaciers, can be identified by image classification techniques in a variety of remote sensing products. Permafrost-related surface deformations can be detected by radar interferometry. However, field-based techniques, such as terrestrial laser scanner, GPS and ground-based SAR, are essential for integrating and validating the remote sensing products. In this context, the ALPSMOTION project (ALPine Slow slope MOvement moniTorIng and detectiON with remote and proximal sensing), coordinated by EURAC Research and funded by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, aims at improving the monitoring of permafrost deformation, in particular of rock glaciers, exploiting satellite-based SAR data. Within the project this kind of data have been exploited at regional and local scale. In the latter case, an integration with in-situ measurements acquired with different techniques, i.e. GPS, ground-based SAR and UAV, has been performed. Methodology and expertise developed have been also tested to a landslide deformation case. The purpose of the Summer School is to offer an overview on modern remote- and field-based approaches currently used to investigate the dynamics of alpine slopes affected by permafrost, with particular attention to the combined use of different types of data. The school is mainly addressed to PhD students working on the topic, but master degree students, post-docs and early career scientists are also welcomed.
Planned activities:
• Classroom lectures and practical exercises on data analyses (3 days @Eurac Research, Bolzano)
• Field excursion in Val Senales, South Tyrol (1 day)
16 – 19 July 2019
Annett Bartsch – b.geos GmbH and Austrian Polar Research Institute, Vienna
Roland Psenner – EURAC Research, Bolzano
Karl Krainer, Christine Fey - University of Innsbruck – Department of Geology
Volkmar Mair – Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Office for Geology and Building Materials Testing
Francesco Zucca, Aldo Bertone - University of Pavia – Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Mattia Callegari, Giovanni Cuozzo, Stephan Steger, Carlo Marin – EURAC Research – Institute for Earth Observation, Bolzano
Niccolò Dematteis – CNR IRPI, Torino & University of Pavia – Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Alessandro Mondini – CNR IRPI, Perugia
EURAC Resarch ( Viale Druso, 1 / Drususallee 1 - 39100 Bolzano / Bozen – Italy
Coordinates: 46.4945° N, 11.3473° E
Google maps link:
Participants will spend all the nights in Bolzano; they should book an accommodation on their own
For a list of Hostels in Bolzano, check this link
For a list of Hotels in Bolzano, check this link
!!!!!! Please, book your accommodation in advance, Bolzano is crowded with tourists in July !!!!!!!
Field excursion in Val Senales
Participants will be transported to Val Senales and back to Bolzano by private bus
Suggested personal equipment for the field excursion: light mountain boots; mountain jacket; pile, gloves; cap; sunglasses
No registration fee is required
Summer School Bolzano Val Senales 2019
International Summer School within the ALPSMOTION project - Investigating alpine permafrost dynamics from space to the field