Dear Colleague,
please see below infornation related to THEME-27 (ROCK DEFORMATION AND RHEOLOGY) to be organized during the 36th INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS (IGC) to be held in New Delhi from 2-8 March 2020.
As you will note a total of SIX (06) symposia will be convened under this theme-27.
Please choose your favourite symposium and submit your abstract.
Kindly forward this mail to your colleagues, friends and students to increase the out-reach.
Registration and Abstract Submission is online and is now open:
We look forward to your active participation in the IGC 2020 and await to welcome you in India next year.
Manish A. Mamtani, Anupam Chattopadhyay and Rodolfo Carosi
(Coordinators of Theme-27, IGC 2020)
Theme-27 is an initiative of IUGS Commission on Tectonics & Structural Geology (TecTask).
Structural Geology Community is invited to actively participate in Theme 27.
Prof. Bruce E. Hobbs (Australia) will deliver one of the 12 Plenary talks.
There are pre/post conference field trips (including in the Himalaya).
Registration & Abstract Submission is open.
Visit for online registration and abstract submission.
Coordinators: Manish A. Mamtani, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Rodolfo Carosi
27.1 Field Structures – Macro to Meso Scale Deformation Processes
Bernhard Grasemann, T. K. Biswal
This symposium intends to invite abstracts on "Field Structures-Macro to meso scale deformation processes". It is expected that this will attract structural geologists who use field data to infer processes in polydeformed terrains and carry out kinematics as well as dynamic analyses using orientations of visible field structures.
27.2 Rheology and Deformation Mechanisms in the Earth
Nibir Mandal, Susan Ellis, Joel Sarout, Santanu Misra
This session on Rheology and Deformation Mechanisms is designed to present and discuss current research and knowledge of the diverse processes of Earth deformation, particularly emphasizing role of transient rheology and resultant structures at varied scales. The session will bridge studies from micro-mechanisms of crystal deformation to large-scale tectonics, shallow brittle faulting to deeper ductile flow, using evidence from theoretical, numerical, experimental and natural data and observations.
27.3 Fabric Analysis – Past, Present and Future Richard
Rick Law, Toru Takeshita, Koushik Sen
Since the beginning of the 21st century, fabric analyses have been performed using both; 1) relatively recently developed techniques involving, for example, SEM-Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD), SEM and Microprobe based Cathodoluminescence, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS), Computer-Integrated Polarization (CIP) microscopy and, now less commonly, 2) older techniques such as measurement of CPO by Universal Stage and X-ray Texture Goniometry. It is therefore prudent to bring together structural geologists who use different fabric-analysis tools and techniques under one roof. This will provide a platform for geoscientists from all over the world to look at fabric data from a variety of geological terrains and collected using different analytical methods. Moreover, this will provide an opportunity to discuss the pros-and-cons of different methods of fabric analysis, thus providing the present and future generation with a direction for their research.
27.4 Structural Control on Fluid Flow and Mineralization
Paul D. Bons, Tridib Kumar Mondal, Sivaji Lahiri
This session aims to bring together the communities working on crustal-scale fluid flow with the objective to promote a scientific interaction for understanding the role of geological structures in fluid flow and mineralization. We encourage the presentation of contributions (both oral and posters) showing how multi-methodological and multi-disciplinary approaches improve the knowledge of structural control on fluid flow and mineralization.
27.5 Extrapolating Experimental Rock Deformation Results to Field Structures
Alison Ord, Santanu Bose, H.B. Srivastava, J.H. Kruhl, Virginia G. Toy
This symposium aims to provide a common discussion platform for experimentalists, modellers and field geologists. We invite contributions from geoscientists carrying out relevant field and experimental studies, at various temporal and spatial scales, to help geologists appreciate the conditions that lead to development of various brittle and ductile structures. We also encourage contributions that explore the extrapolation of experiments to natural strain rates, to mineral assemblages (rather than single phase aggregates), and to rocks undergoing chemical reactions during deformation.
27.6 Structural Geology and Society - Restoration, Geothermal Energy and Hydrocarbons
Rosalda Punturo, Dominico Liotta, Christoph Hilgers, S.K Samanta, Sandeep Bhatt
This symposium invites contributions dealing with the integration of various approaches which, starting from structural investigations, affect society and increase awareness in population. Contributions may include structural and petrophysical heterogeneity during sustainable exploitation of geothermal resources, hydrocarbon and mineral resource exploration, subsurface sequestration, application of structural geology in study of natural hazards such as landslides, as well as the restoration and preservation of heritage sites.
36th International Geological Congress (IGC) - Theme 27 (Rock deformation and rheology)