Outcrop of the month


Società Geologica Italiana

Dear All,
the TecTask Commission (http://www.tectask.org/) of the IUGS, following the success of OUTCROPEDIA, is happy to announce a new initiative entitled "Outcrop of the month" starting from July 1, 2017.
The best outcrop pictures uploaded on the OUTCROPEDIA website (http://www.outcropedia.org/) will be selected each month and the best one will be published on both Tectask website and Facebook page. The monthly winner will receive a certificate from the TecTask commission.

To partecipate to the selection please send an e-mail to rodolfo.carosi@unito.it (message object should be: "Outcrop of the month ") and upload small size pictures using OUTCROPEDIA website following the simple instructions:
1. Login. If you haven't done so yet, you can freely register on the website
2. Go to the main section of "Outcropedia" (http://www.outcropedia.org/)
3. Click on the option "Add an outcrop" that is located directly below the Google Earth window
4. Complete all details in the form (name of the outcrop, description etc.) and attach the photo of the outcrop. Text should be less than 250 words, and be preferably in english, but other languages using latin script are allowed. These must be in .jpg/.jpeg format. Avoid large images of high resolution, since this resolution cannot be displayed in GoogleMaps. A resolution of 800 X 600 Pixels at 72 dpi is sufficient.
5. You may simply fill in the coordinates by clicking the appropriate region on the Google earth map. Coordinates of your outcrop should be in latitude-longitude for WGS84 datum, and in the form of digital degrees.
6. After you make sure all details are filled correctly, simply click "Save"

Young researchers, PhD students and under graduate student are particularly encouraged to partecipate.

Best wishes,
Rodolfo Carosi

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