Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione del Prof. Francesco Di Benedetto (Università di Ferrara) vi segnaliamo la call for abstract della sessione 12e: "Anthropogenic and natural micro- nanoparticles in the environment: Interaction with the biogeosphere, human exposure pathways and risk assessment" organizzata nell'ambito della Goldschmidt Conference 2023 (Lione, Francia, 9-14 luglio 2023).
Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria
Cari colleghi,
vi invitiamo ad inviare contributi alla sessione 12e - Anthropogenic and natural micro- nanoparticles in the environment: Interaction with the biogeosphere, human exposure pathways and risk assessment , che si terrà in occasione del prossimo convegno Goldschmidt 2023 (Lione, Francia, 9-14 luglio 2023). Il convegno si terrà in modalità ibrida, con possibilità di presentazioni orali e poster sia in presenza che da remoto.
Thorsten Schäfer (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
Gopala Krishna Darbha (IISER Kolkata)
Francesco Di Benedetto (Università degli Studi di Ferrara)
Elena Belluso (Università degli Studi di Torino)
This session is aimed to explore the characterization, diffusion, environmental dispersion, human exposure pathways and toxicology of a variety of particulates, including elongate mineral particles (EMP), naturally occurring particulates, industrially relevant particulates, novel organic/inorganic nano-scale materials (ENPs) such as nanoplastics, nanopesticides and metal-based nanoparticles.
The assessment of the main effects of such particles grounds in the accurate characterization of their physicochemical properties, such as chemical and phase composition, morphology and surface charge driving association-, agglomeration- and aggregation- processes, but also determines the main processes under which they enter the biogeosphere and persist in these environments.
This session welcomes contributions aimed at providing further insights in the characterization of emerging particulate matter in relation to occupational and environmental health, in relation to water, air, and soil pollution, in the assessment and definition of mode of prediction of the particle persistence and long-term effects in the biogeosphere. The results of such studies could be useful to address novel policies of health and environmental risks assessment and of safeguard of the environment and citizen health protection.
La scadenza per l'invio dei contributi è il 1 Marzo 2023.
Alcuni link utili:
home page convegno:
home page sessione:
Call for abstract:
Modalità di partecipazione:
Goldschmidt Conference 2023 - Anthropogenic and natural micro- nanoparticles in the environment: Interaction with the biogeosphere, human exposure pathways and risk assessment