From ashes to flashes. Volcanic plume electrification: a multidisciplinary perspective


Società Geologica Italiana

venerdi 20 Ottobe2017
h 14:30 Aula B2
Università degli Studi "Roma Tre"
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo 1  - Roma

Titolo: From ashes to flashes. Volcanic plume electrification: a multidisciplinary perspective.

Relatore: Corrado Cimarelli, LMU Munich
Dr. Corrado Cimarelli has completed his PhD in volcanology at the University of Roma Tre in 2006 and has hold Postdoctoral positions as Royal Society-Accademia dei Lincei fellow at the University of Bristol and as Marie Curie and AXA Research Fellow at the LMU University in Munich. Since 2013 he is Assistant Junior Professor at the LMU University in Munich.

His research focus is understanding the dynamics of explosive eruptions, including magma rheology, conduit dynamics, volcanic ash generation and dispersion, using field and laboratory techniques. His most recent research aims at understanding plume electrification phenomena and volcanic lightning generation using a multidisciplinary approach.


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