Application of X- Ray Computed Tomography in Microtectonics by Mohammad Sayab


Società Geologica Italiana

Milano – 7-8 May 2018 - Short course (15 ore)
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze della Terra (PhD, Earth Sciences)
Lecturer: Mohammad Sayab*, Geological Survey of Finland

7 May, 2018
1) Microstructures in metamorphic rocks: a brief overview and recent advances (2 hours)
2) Introduction of X-ray computed micro and nano tomography (X-CT) (1 hour)
3) Non-destructive 3D analysis of foliations and lineations in metamoprhic rocks (1 hour)
4) Application of X-CT to magnetic fabrics (AMS) (1 hour)
5) Discussion, bring your samples along (and thin sections if you have)! (2.5 hours)

8 May, 2018
1) Porphyroblast microstructures: textures and controversies (2 hours)
2) 3D analysis of porphyroblast inclusion trails (1 hour)
3) Use of X-CT in ore textures and fabrics: some case studies (1 hour)
4) 3D nanopetrography of datable minerals (1 hour)
5) Discussion (2.5 hours)

Per informazioni e iscrizione contattare: Michele Zucali (

Il corso prevede una quota d'iscrizione:
- Dottorandi-Assegnisti 102 Euro (100 + 2 di bollo)
- "professionisti" 122 Euro (100 + 22% IVA)
